Natural / Virgin Powder

Natural / Virgin Powder

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Virgin Powder PEEK


All Infos about Virgin powder PEEK: ©CoPEEK Panjin Zhongrun High Performance Polymer Co., Ltd.

Download technical Datasheet as PDF

G=Granules P=Powder

Important notes:
1) Processing conditions are typical of those used in our processing laboratories
2) Data are produced in accordance with prevailing national, international and internal standards, and should be used for material comparison. Actual property values are highly dependent on part geometry, mould configuration and processing
conditions. Properties may also differ for along flow and across flow direction.

*Our technical advice, information or recommendations are made to the best of our knowledge. Since the final success is beyond our control and their circumstances are not predictable, written and oral instructions, advice and the information contained in this leaflet are not legally binding. So they have no meaning to assure certain properties of the products or their suitability for a specific purpose. In particular do not release the buyer from testing our products for their suitability for the intended procedures and purposes. For example, existing industrial property rights of third parties are to be considered. A flawless quality assurance in the context of our terms of sale and delivery.

Natural / Virgin Powder

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021P, 012P, 085P