Tube with PTFE/CF/Graphite – 10-10-10 (mod)

Tube with PTFE/CF/Graphite – 10-10-10 (mod)

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PEEK tubes are mostly extruded or hot-compression-molded. PEEK-shop also offers injection molded tubes in short length and special thinwall tubes. Our tubes are generally produced in Europe, extruded tubes are mostly made in Germany. All the productions are in compliance with highest quality standards. Tubes from compounded PEEK are also available on request.


Dexnyl© is a brand of BIEGLO GmbH used for our products of High-Performance Polymers. All PEEK-Tubes in this list are sorted by external diameter and are produced in different processes. Extruded (extr) tubes are always 1.000mm long. Injection-molded (inj) tubes are normally 150mm long. Hot-compression (hot-c) molded tubes are normally 100mm long. We offer virgin, natural PEEK (nat) and compounded PEEK: PTFE/CF/Graphite – 10-10-10 (mod), PTFE (ptfe), Carbon Fiber (cf). When you order PEEK-tubes we will apply a rebate for large volumes and a surplus-cost for very small orders; furthermore a logistic-cost will be added for the transport to your destination. You must log-in prior to placing an order and getting the detailed cost information. Other conditions can be found in the General Terms. Many other products are available when you contact us by E-mail.


PEEK-tubes can be an intelligent solution for round/hollow pieces. Our range of tubes starts with 30 mm up to 2.500mm (external diameter). We offer tubes made in a number of processes: extrusion, hot compression-moulding, roto-moulding, and injection-moulding. BIEGLO can source special diameters and special compounds for your needs in PEEK-tubes.


Download technical Datasheet as PDF:

  • PTFE/CF/Graphite – 10-10-10 (mod)

*All the tests have been conducted with a standard conditioning atmosphere of 23°C (at the moment no other temperature is available). All the test specimens were made through extrusion process. The specified values are established from average values of several tests and they correspond to our today’s knowledge. They are only to be used as information about our products and as help for the material selection. With these values, BIEGLO does not ensure specific properties, or the suitability for certain application, therefore BIEGLO does not assume any legal responsibility for an improper usage.
Since the plastics´ properties depend on the manufacturing process (extrusion, injection moulding), on the dimensions of the semi-finished material and on the degree of crystallinity, the actual properties of a specific product may slightly deviate from the tested ones.
For information about divergent properties do not hesitate to contact us. On request we advise you regarding the most appropriate component design and the definition of material specifications more suitable to your application data. Notwithstanding, the customer bears all the responsibility for the thorough examination of suitability, efficiency, efficacy and safety of the chosen products in pharmaceutical applications, medical devices or other end uses.

Tube with PTFE/CF/Graphite – 10-10-10 (mod)

Additional information

Outer Diameter

30 mm, 35 mm, 40 mm, 45 mm, 50 mm, 55 mm, 60 mm, 65 mm, 70 mm, 75 mm, 80 mm, 85 mm, 90 mm, 95 mm, 100 mm, 105 mm, 110 mm, 115 mm, 120 mm, 125 mm, 130 mm, 140 mm, 145 mm, 150 mm, 155 mm, 160 mm, 165 mm, 175 mm, 180 mm, 205 mm, 225 mm, 230 mm, 235 mm, 268 mm, 283 mm, 321 mm, 333 mm, 340 mm, 350 mm, 405 mm, 425 mm, 480 mm, 530 mm, 550 mm, 625 mm, 655 mm, 790 mm, 815 mm, 845 mm, 940 mm, 1000 mm, 1050 mm, 1085 mm, 1165 mm

Inner Diameter

10 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 35 mm, 40 mm, 45 mm, 50 mm, 55 mm, 60 mm, 65 mm, 70 mm, 75 mm, 80 mm, 90 mm, 95 mm, 100 mm, 110 mm, 115 mm, 120 mm, 130 mm, 145 mm, 150 mm, 155 mm, 165 mm, 190 mm, 210 mm, 220 mm, 240 mm, 257 mm, 285 mm, 310 mm, 295 mm, 320 mm, 355 mm, 370 mm, 390 mm, 440 mm, 495 mm, 505 mm, 590 mm, 605 mm, 735 mm, 775 mm, 795 mm, 895 mm, 940 mm, 1005 mm, 1045 mm, 1125 mm


1000 mm, 150 mm, 100 mm, 80 mm